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时间:2018-06-23 15:03 作者:admin








  Food cabinet is not refrigerant solution!

  Often encountered in the shop's cooked food cabinet is not refrigerant, you must be worried, because food is suffering. Because a lot of time will have the situation, the maintenance staff after testing the cooked food cabinet, found that the replacement parts are relatively scarce, need manufacturers to provide, such as such manufacturers to send parts, one back to delay time. What is the reason why the cooked food cabinet is not refrigerated?

  1. Check the loosening of the plug of the cooked food cabinet. If the plug is loose, plug the plug tight.

  2, consider whether refrigerants are less or leak. The refrigerant is gone, although the compressor is running, there is no refrigerant evaporating and absorbing heat in the system, so the temperature inside the cooked food cabinet does not drop. Refrigerant addition is very professional and requires tools, so it is necessary to contact professional maintenance personnel.

  3, compressor failure is a common problem in cooked food cabinet not refrigerating. If you listen carefully to whether the motor is vibrating, the compressor will operate in a "buzzing" sound. If there is no sound, it is a malfunction of the compressor. If it is determined that there is a problem with the compressor, it is necessary to contact the customer service commissioner of the cooked food cabinet, so that they can send professional maintenance personnel to repair. The compressor is the most complex and precise mechanical part of the cooked food cabinet. If it is dismantled at will, it is likely to cause more damage. It is specialized in the industry. The professional problem is more suitable for the professional staff.

  4. When the ambient temperature is lower than the normal starting temperature of the temperature controller, check whether the low-temperature switch of the cooked food cabinet is open. Only by opening the low-temperature switch can the temperature controller be forced to start.




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